



End the cycle and guilt of overcommitting and quitting. Stop stealing time & energy from yourself and focus on doing what really matters to you.

This course will show you exactly how to

C - Get CLARITY on Your Purpose, Mission, Vision & Values
L- List all of your current and outstanding commitments, promises & agreements
E- Evaluate and Eliminate outdated & unwanted obligations
Pย - Prioritize remaining obligations
Tย - Take Action
Oย - Observe and Acknowledge Your Progress

So you can Live Life on YOUR Terms and Do What Matters to You the Most!


Youโ€™ll learn how to go through a process to get clear on your Purpose, Mission, Vision, and Values, so you can see the possibilities and move forward with confidence.

Weโ€™ll dive into:

๎’How to identify your purpose and how that is different from your mission so you can get clear on what you are up to in life.
๎’How to identify your vision - how you and the world will change when you've achieved your mission so you can feel confident and get momentum.
๎’How to identify your core values so you can know when offers, invitations, opportunities, and people are on track for you as you pursue what matters most to you.

MODULE 2 - L - LIST ๐Ÿ“

Youโ€™ll learn how to learn how and what to put on your list of commitments, so you can see what gets to stay and what needs to go.

๎’How to stay out of overwhelm and move into action on closing open loops of commitments that need to go.
๎’How to create lists that include ALL commitments, even things from years ago so you can end up with a very clean and clear list to work from.
๎’How to identify unfulfilled promises you made to yourself so you can close the open loops that contribute to confusion, self-doubt and negative self-talk.


Youโ€™ll learn how to evaluate your lists, so you can feel confident about having the right things on your list - and the wrong things gone!

Weโ€™ll dive into:

๎’How to identify what needs to be ended with yourself so you can live with greater clarity and confidence and less confusion.
๎’Learn how to identify what needs to be ended with others so you can have clean relationships, more authenticity, and transparency with others.
๎’Learn exactly how to end things with yourself and with others so you can be able to be intentional, accountable, transparent and clear with others so you can create a win-win rather than an upset.


Youโ€™ll learn how to do things that matter in an orderly way that moves the needle, so you can gain momentum and confidence.

Weโ€™ll dive into:

๎’How to get clear on what 'Priority' really means so you can stop overdoing and feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list.
๎’How to pick the one thing that by doing it makes everything else easier so you can not be distracted by things that aren't necessary yet.
๎’How to put aside distractions so you can stay focused on the one thing that moves you forward.
๎’How to deal with emotions that come up as you go through the process using the Trigger Warning! Card deck.


Youโ€™ll learn how to find the connection between the one action and your immediate goal, so you can stay motivated and inspired.

Weโ€™ll dive into:

๎’How to set small daily steps so you can smash them and feel good about your progress.
๎’How to find balance in taking action and resting when you need to so you can avoid burning out or overdoing.
๎’How to enroll others in what you're doing so you can find support along the way.
๎’How to think BIGGER! 90 Ideas for Getting Excited about Whatโ€™s Possible Now!


Youโ€™ll learn how to notice and acknowledge your progress, so you can stay inspired and excited about doing what matters most to you.

Weโ€™ll dive into:

๎’How to understand the basic human need of appreciation and how it affects momentum so you can weave it into your day and week.
๎’How to find even the smallest wins can help you feel good about your progress so you can keep going even on days that don't seem all that productive.
๎’How to ask for appreciation from others and how having someone to be accountable to can drastically change your trajectory so you can set goals and be sure you'll reach them.

VALUE $497

Includes the following bonuses:ย  Workbooks, Journals, 90 Days of Ideas for How to Use Your Free Time! and more...