Pop Up Masterminds
Easily attract up to six figures in new business just by hosting free, informal gatherings on Zoom.
If you're tired of spending endless time & money searching for clients, read on. I have something you'll love.
If you have the ability to host an informal gathering of friends on Zoom then you have what it takes to earn a healthy six-figure income without paying a dime for advertising.
Using the strategies I teach in the Pop Up Mastermind Formula, I enrolled 10 new clients and filled a mastermind with zero ad spend in under a month!
Robin Quinn Keehn
Hi, I'm Robin and I started hosting Pop Up Masterminds in 2015 to fill my very first Mastermind. I studied with Mastermind to Millions Creator, Jay Fiset who taught me how to fill and run my masterminds using intimate in-person events.
But, because my clients were international, I adapted the process for the online environment. Since then, I created a course for Jay called 'Fill Your Mastermind Online', served as his Senior Coach, and filled and facilitated over 130 Virtual Pop Up Masterminds.
I've since expanded my Pop Ups to go beyond filling Masterminds. I routinely use them to expand my circles, serve and support others, and enroll new clients in my programs, 1:1 coaching, and my Masterminds.
What is a Pop Up Mastermind?
You may have heard of Masterminds before. There are many models with a wide variety of price points and time commitments but what I'm about to show you is a different kind of Mastermind. This is not one of the ongoing ones that you have to pay $25,000 a year for.
In fact, these are free. And, with the right formula (you'll make it look SO easy) you can add it to your list of strategies that turn on the flow of clients anytime you want.
Anybody can contact a list of their prospects, friends, or colleagues and get them onto a call where you all support each other.
I'm going to show you how to get the people and then I'm going to show you exactly what to do to run an event that is so valuable for everybody that it just naturally leads to new business - without any salesmanship, without trying to convince anyone of your value, and without any mistakes (tip - only get on calls with people you recognize as a great fit!).
When I started doing these virtual meetings years ago my sole purpose was to fill my Mastermind. The reason I wanted to run a Mastermind was that my 1:1 coaching was just one piece of the work I was doing and it was unsustainable. I needed to make better use of my time and serve more people. I knew Masterminds were the answer.
But, I also realized that in the process of filling my Masterminds, the Pop Ups were saving me huge amounts of money and time. I was easily enrolling clients without spending a dime. I was enrolling clients without having to write webinar scripts or spending hours creating webinar slides or doing everything it takes to 'launch'.
Pop Up Masterminds leveraged my time by connecting me to groups of people where I could, using my checklist, evaluate the fit of each person in the room. I stopped doing 1:1 Discovery Calls with people who weren't my ideal clients. I stopped enrolling clients that I didn't enjoy.
That's why I created the Pop Up Mastermind Formula. It's working so well for me that I wanted to share it with people.
Your options are:
If you want to learn how to run masterminds, you have a few options.
You can enroll in a course from a 'Mastermind' Guru that will cost you several thousand dollars, give you a super in-depth understanding of all the ins and outs, and take a few months to complete.
You can sign up for a $25,000 a year mastermind and reverse engineer the process and try to duplicate it yourself.
Or, you can get the quick and simple process that gets you up and running right away without bogging you down with a bunch of stuff you don't need to learn right off the bat.
That process is the Pop up Mastermind Formula that will show you exactly what you need to do to connect with ideal clients and enroll them in your program, coaching or mastermind and contribute to them and your revenue.
Here's What You'll Learn
- How your ideal outcome determines which Pop Up enrollment style you'll use
- How to create synchronistic lists of prospects & invitees
- How to craft invitations that make your Pop Up Mastermind irresistible
- How to evaluate prospects from the minute they receive your Pop Up invitation through to it's conclusion
- The ins and outs of being 'The Perfect Host'
- Creating value through your 'Resource Vault'
- The 'Art of Juggling' - Facilitator, Timer, Contributor, Guest
- Facilitator Skills for Pop Up Masterminds
- Guest Evaluation and Follow Up Strategies
Enroll now in the next Pop Up Mastermind Formula Workshop.
You'll get my step-by-step support and leave with assets and knowledge so that you can take massive action and run your first Pop Up within a week.
Special offer: Get the Pop Up Mastermind Formula Workshop for $697 (regular price: $997)
NEXT DATE: TBD. Please contact me for more information. robin@quittingculture.com
And about those Bonuses...
You'll receive the following bonuses with your enrollment in the Workshop.
The exact template I use for email invitations
The templates I use for messenger/text invitations
My invitee/attendee evaluation checklist
My attendee Preparation Communications Tracker
My template for the exact format I use for each Pop Up
My Pop Up Participation Tracker
My follow up template
A 30 minute follow up call with you to troubleshoot any issues you have (including hesitation or procrastination!)
Robin’s Pop-Up Mastermind Formula is a dream come true for anyone launching, speaking, or coaching online. Never in the virtual world have I experienced the 30% plus conversion rate, routinely found when selling from the stage. Using her strategy, I put 10 people into a mastermind in just six weeks. I didn’t pay for ads, I didn’t have to write a webinar script, there were no tech nightmares, and yet I sold over $16,500 while serving, supporting, and having fun with others. Pretty soon everyone will be doing this, and it will have lost its power, but right now it’s a blue ocean of opportunity.
The first time I heard about a Pop Up Mastermind I immediately knew I wanted to start running them but didn't exactly know how it would look in my business. Robin gave me the guidance, tools, and structure to confidently set up and run my Pop Up Masterminds. Thank you Robin for generously sharing your knowledge and expertise!
Thank you so much for the fantastic workshop on how to be successful with Pop Up Masterminds. I was not aware of how valuable they would be for my business or how to set them up, facilitate, and promote them. I now get the value and have a ton of information and tools to offer them successfully. There is a lot involved, even though it can appear to be a simple process. I came into the workshop thinking Pop Up Masterminds were not for me and my business and now I am a definite yes and feel like I could actually be successful doing them.