Complete the application form for Ideal Studio Mastery Mastermind and I will get in touch! Welcome to the Ideal Studio Mastery Mastermind. Please fill out the application and I'll review it and get back to you within 24 hours. Thank you!What is your name?*Email*What is the best email for you? Business Name & website*What is the name of your business and related website?Physical Mailing Address Where are you with business & teaching right now?*Where are you with your business and teaching right now? What kind of changes would you like to make?*Who is your ideal client?*Where are you with your personal life right now?*Where are you with your personal life now? Are things stable or in a state of flux? Are there any changes you'd like to see in your personal life?*Do you have a financial goal in mind for this next year and how far away from it are you?**What's your dream for your business? How would you want things to look if anything was possible?**What are you currently doing to make that happen? Please be honest (even if it's a little painful!).*What 3 obstacles, challenges, struggles do you regularly come up against?*What will happen if you don't make changes or just ignore them?*What do you like best about yourself as a teacher?*What are your top three strengths (personally)?*What makes you happy? Or, what is something that you've accomplished that has made you happy?*What impact do you want to make on the world? (Teaching, personally, other?)*How ready are you to invest in yourself-- in terms of an investment of time, finances, energy, focus?*What would make being in this Mastermind a huge win for you?Is there anything else you'd like me to know?