Your key to living with more confidence, happiness, success & freedom

 Stuck in a cycle of starting new projects and never finishing them?

When you overcommit & constantly quit things that actually aren't aligned with your purpose & goals, you’re actually stealing time and energy from yourself.

Enter The CLEPTO Code, a simple 6-step process to help overcommitted entrepreneurs like you end the wrong commitments without guilt and finish the right ones.

Join me for the CLEPTO Code LIVE! Workshop. Register TODAY using the link below. 


Presented By:

Register TODAY for the November 14th LIVE Workshop! Here's what you need to know...

When: Saturday, November 14th from 9 a.m. - Noon Pacific
Where: Robin's Zoom Room (online)
What: I'll walk you, step-by-step through the CLEPTO Code to:
  • - uncover your purpose,
  • - identify and eliminate outdated commitments
  • - select your next best steps toward achieving your most important goals

Investment: The course is regularly $197 but for new subscribers, it's only $97!