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Brought to you by Robin Quinn Keehn
Take this two-minute quiz to find out which of the 8 Parenting Archetypes Styles you are...
The BFF who's all about the love, or the Hero who will defend and protect from any and all threats....
(even from other kids on the playground)! Pick the answer that is CLOSEST to the way you think. Note: to receive your results and your 5 page Archetype Style Guide, we will ask you for your name & email.
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First, are you a Mom or a Dad?
- I'm a Mom
- I'm a Dad
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You’re in a department store with your young child when you watch them run off and "hide" in a clothing rack. Do you:
- No big deal. Move to that rack and shop alongside your child.
- Rush to her side and ask if she wants to find some fun new clothes for her.
- Raise your voice and tell her she needs to come back next to you immediately or else!
- Keep one eye on your child and keep shopping anyway
- Be proud of that fierce independence (and keep your eye on your child).
- Promise to get her a special treat when you're done if she comes back and stays with you.
- Go and get her immediately.
- Smile and ask her if she's playing peek-a-boo.
Choose an Answer
It’s time for bed and tonight, your child decides he is not going to brush his teeth without a fight. Do you:
- Tell your child it’s up to them if they want to lose all their teeth and walk away.
- Tell your child how important it is that they brush their teeth and help them do it.
- Tell your child you are committed to their beautiful smile and closely supervise their toothbrushing skills.
- Tell your child they have 5 more minutes and then he has to brush his teeth. Set the timer.
- Make it a game - you both brush your teeth and make funny faces while you’re doing it together
- March into the bathroom and supervise your child while they brush their teeth. Period.
- Help your child by putting the toothpaste on the toothbrush and gently brush his or her teeth.
- Find a new tube of toothpaste with a cool design and you offer to let your child try your special toothpaste tonight.
Choose an Answer
You’ve enrolled your 4 year old daughter in dance class. It’s been 3 weeks and she doesn’t want to go. Do you:
- Stay in class. You know that achievement and confidence begin at a young age.
- Tell her that you don’t really like it either and that you’ll go get ice cream together instead.
- Call the studio and ask to see the curriculum for the Fairy Tale Ballet class. Make some suggestions to the teacher to make class more fun & creative.
- Go with her the next week and ask if you can sit in the class with her to make her feel better.
- Take her to class. You know what's best for her and you’re committed to this.
- Drop the class. Find something new and different for her to do next week.
- Remind her how much fun she’s having, all the friends she’s making, and how sweet her teacher is and take her to class.
- Call and talk to the teacher about what’s happening in class. Call a few other parents and make sure this is a safe environment for your child.
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You’re at the park when a bigger kid comes over and tries to play with your child. Your child seems a little nervous. Do you:
- Go over to your child and stay nearby, keeping a close eye on the situation.
- Go to your child and play with them and ignore the other kid.
- Call your child and tell him to come over to you now, away from the other kids.
- Wait and see what happens.
- Go and encourage your kid to be brave and try new things with the bigger kid.
- Join in with your child and the bigger kid and make up a new game with them.
- Rush over and closely watch to make sure your child feels safe
- Smile at both kids and encourage them to play together while you watch.
Choose an Answer
You’re at the grocery store and your child decides to throw a fit. Do you:
- Leave the store quickly - avoiding judgmental looks.
- Pick your child up, soothe them and tell them everything is fine while you try to engage them in being your helper.
- Ignore the upset and keep shopping (who cares what people think - you’ve got things to do).
- Tell your child if he/she calms down you’ll find something special to make together at home after dinner.
- Leave the store immediately and tell them they’re in big trouble. Their behavior is unacceptable.
- Hold your child, sing a little song in their ear while they scream, ignoring other people, and finish your shopping.
- Tell your child to shape up and stop crying because big kids don’t act like that in a store.
- Pick your child up and gently ask him/her what is wrong. Leave as quickly as you can.
Choose an Answer
It’s time to go to soccer practice and your child refuses to turn off their game and get in the car. Do you:
- Turn off the game, take your child by the hand and put them in the car without a word.
- Remind your child that they’re gaining skills for life and they need to be their best as you put them in the car.
- Give your child a pep talk about all the great things that could happen today at soccer!
- Ask if there’s a reason they aren’t anxious to get to soccer practice and if they’re having problems with the coach or other kids.
- Tell your child that it’s important that they get ready but it’s okay to be a few minutes late if they want to finish their game.
- Suggest that you pause the game now and play it together after practice with warm cookies and milk.
- Turn off the game and tell your child you’re leaving in 5 minutes. Threaten to pull them out of soccer if they aren’t in the car by then.
- Tell them it’s time to go now and that they’re going to miss out on all the fun if they get there late.
Choose an Answer
Your child refuses to eat what you made for dinner. Do you:
- Tell them tomorrow night they can help make dinner with you. Ignore the upset.
- Ask them how they could make their dinner tastier or more interesting...suggest some different sauces or toppings.
- Tell them this is dinner. If they don’t eat it, then they don’t eat.
- Tell them you bet they can finish their dinner before you do. Ready. Set. Go!
- Whip up their favorite meal with a smile while everyone else eats what you made.
- Ignore their refusal to eat. Tell them they can eat if they want or figure something else out for themselves (but no junk food).
- You ask them what’s wrong with their dinner and what you can do to help.
- Ask your child what they’d like to eat and make it for them (and go hungry yourself).
Choose an Answer
Your child has a phone that they’re constantly on and don’t want to set down. You want to have a conversation but they keep putting you off. Do you:
- Take away the phone without warning and without a promise of giving it back.
- Immediately take away the phone, have the conversation, and pull something fun to do out of your hat.
- Tell them you’ve had it and lock up the phone for the day.
- Cheerfully take the phone away and suggest they do something more creative like read a book, journal or paint (they have all 3 options in their room).
- Tell them they can finish what they’re doing and you will talk later.
- Take away the phone for their own good and have the conversation immediately.
- Tell them you really want to talk with them and there’s a treat if they put down their phone and talk with you.
- Tell them to put down the phone because it’s a distraction from being the best they can be.
Choose an Answer
You find out your child is being bullied at school. Do you:
- Immediately drive to the school and take your child out of class and ask him/her what happened.
- Get as much information as you can and directly contact the parents of the bully
- Call the school and demand a meeting with the principal today.
- Talk to your child about the importance of standing up for themselves and never letting a bully win.
- Talk to your child and see if you can find creative ways to avoid the bully.
- Go to the school and demand to know exactly what happened and what options are available to address the issue now.
- Sit down with your child and find out how they’re feeling. Reassure them that everything will work out.
- Remove your child from school while you get answers and tell her how much you love him/her and he/she doesn’t deserve this.
Choose an Answer
Your child wins the Science Fair Project at school - how do you react?
- Feel great pride for raising such a capable child.
- Tell your child you expected nothing less from them.
- Tell your child how much you love their creativity.
- Smile and think how you just knew they would win!
- Tell your child how proud you are of them (and secretly tally the points to see how they ranked).
- High five your child and ask them what’s next on their list.
- Beam with pride and think about how great it was to do it together.
- Give them a big hug and tell them how great they are.
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